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  • Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index (feels like temperature) with AVTECH's Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -40 to 85 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Temperature accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees. The humidity range is from 5% to 95% relative humidity (RH) non-condensing. Humidity accuracy is within +/- 4.5% RH at 5 to 59% RH and within +/- 6.5% RH at 60 to 95% RH. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • AVTECH's Flood Sensor (Spot) provides real-time recognition of flood or water and includes specially designed electronics that allow it to interface with Room Alert products as a switch sensor. The flood detector is powered by a 9v Alkaline battery (included), this model triggers an alert if the sensor is activated.
  • AVTECH's Flood Sensor with attached 8' sensor cable is activated by liquid (i.e. water, fluid, etc.) making contact with the attached Flood Sensor Cable of any length. Once liquid is detected the Flood Sensor triggers an alarm condition allowing the Room Alert hardware, Device ManageR software and/or other monitoring application to send out alerts and/or take automatic corrective action.
  • AVTECH's Flood Sensor with attached 8' sensor cable is activated by liquid (i.e. water, fluid, etc.) making contact with the attached Flood Sensor Cable of any length. Once liquid is detected the Flood Sensor triggers an alarm condition allowing the Room Alert hardware, Device ManageR software and/or other monitoring application to send out alerts and/or take automatic corrective action.
  • AVTECH's Flood Sensor with attached 8' sensor cable is activated by liquid (i.e. water, fluid, etc.) making contact with the attached Flood Sensor Cable of any length. Once liquid is detected the Flood Sensor triggers an alarm condition allowing the Room Alert hardware, Device ManageR software and/or other monitoring application to send out alerts and/or take automatic corrective action.
  • Monitor temperature with AVTECH's Digital Temperature Sensor. This digital temperature sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature with AVTECH's Digital Temperature Sensor. This digital temperature sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature with AVTECH's Digital Temperature Sensor. This digital temperature sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor fluid temperature with AVTECH's Digital Fluid Temperature Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Accuracy is within +/- 2 C degrees. It's special sealed tube containing Propylene Glycol makes it an ideal sensor to monitor refrigerated items, tracking their temperature instead of the surrounding air temperature. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor fluid temperature with AVTECH's Digital Fluid Temperature Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Accuracy is within +/- 2 C degrees. It's special sealed tube containing Propylene Glycol makes it an ideal sensor to monitor refrigerated items, tracking their temperature instead of the surrounding air temperature. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor fluid temperature with AVTECH's Digital Fluid Temperature Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -67 to 257 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -55 to 125 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Accuracy is within +/- 2 C degrees. It's special sealed tube containing Propylene Glycol makes it an ideal sensor to monitor refrigerated items, tracking their temperature instead of the surrounding air temperature. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index (feels like temperature) with AVTECH's Digital Shielded Temperature & Humidity Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -40 to 85 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Temperature accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees. The humidity range is from 5% to 95% relative humidity (RH) non-condensing. Humidity accuracy is within +/- 4.5% RH at 5 to 59% RH and within +/- 6.5% RH at 60 to 95% RH. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index (feels like temperature) with AVTECH's Digital Shielded Temperature & Humidity Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -40 to 85 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Temperature accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees. The humidity range is from 5% to 95% relative humidity (RH) non-condensing. Humidity accuracy is within +/- 4.5% RH at 5 to 59% RH and within +/- 6.5% RH at 60 to 95% RH. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature, humidity and heat index (feels like temperature) with AVTECH's Digital Shielded Temperature & Humidity Sensor. This sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit and/or -40 to 85 degrees Celsius when used with any Room Alert environment monitoring device. Temperature accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees. The humidity range is from 5% to 95% relative humidity (RH) non-condensing. Humidity accuracy is within +/- 4.5% RH at 5 to 59% RH and within +/- 6.5% RH at 60 to 95% RH. AVTECH offers this sensor with cable lengths of 25', 50' and 100'.
  • Monitor temperature and active power status with AVTECH's Digital Active Power w/Temperature Sensor. This patent-pending, award winning sensor provides the real-time power status of any electric device by simply strapping it to any AC electrical cord. There is no need to unplug the device, modify the cord, or require an electrician to connect within a main panel, making it easier than ever to monitor any electric device. If the connected device draws more than 100W, the Active Power Sensor will detect this and show the current power status as 'Active'. Additionally, this sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40° to 185° Fahrenheit and/or -40° to 85° Celsius. Accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees.
  • Monitor temperature and active power status with AVTECH's Digital Active Power w/Temperature Sensor. This patent-pending, award winning sensor provides the real-time power status of any electric device by simply strapping it to any AC electrical cord. There is no need to unplug the device, modify the cord, or require an electrician to connect within a main panel, making it easier than ever to monitor any electric device. If the connected device draws more than 100W, the Active Power Sensor will detect this and show the current power status as 'Active'. Additionally, this sensor provides real-time temperature values from -40° to 185° Fahrenheit and/or -40° to 85° Celsius. Accuracy is within + / - 2 C degrees.


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